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Introducing Nippon Pulse COMMANDER core controller!

Nippon Pulse 4-axis COMMANDER controller is a hybrid IC that bridges the gap between design-from-scratch and off-the-shelf motion controllers. COMMANDER is secure, flexible and easy to use.
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Linear Servo Motor in High-Speed Application

The Linear Servo Motor outperforms competing linear motors when high speed and high precision are needed simultaneously. The Linear Servo Motor is able to achieve sub-micron resolutions, and also greatly decreases the impact of heat on the workpoint.
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LSM: First Linear Servo for Ultra High Precision

Nippon Pulse's Linear Servo Motor is the first linear servomotor designed for the ultra-high-precision market. Its design features greater stiffness, no cogging, a non-critical air gap, and less heat generation, which allow the Linear Servo Motor to achieve sub-micron resolution.
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S160 Linear Servo Motor in a Custom Stage

The Linear Servo Motor is built for the ultra high-precision market, but is also designed to handle lower-resolution applications. The Linear Servo Motor is more efficient and produces less heat than other linear motors, such as platen-style and U-shaped systems.
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Linear Servo Motor in a Vertical Alignment

Our Linear Servo Motor can be used in a variety of vertical applications. A vertical alignment of the Linear Servo Motor can be seen here, as can a variety of motion profiles. This is a S160T motor. View all of ...
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Pick-and-Place Machine With Rotation

This pick-and-place machine utilizes both a Linear Servo Motor and one of Nippon Pulse's rotary tin-can stepper motors. The stepper rotates at the point of the pick-and-place, while the Linear Servo Motor moves the machine's arm along the X-axis.
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Four Linear Servo Motors in Parallel

With a travel distance of 2 m/s and an acceleration of 2G, four Linear Servo Motors run in parallel off of just one encoder and one servo drive.
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Two Linear Servo Motors in Parallel

Two Linear Servo Motors can be used in parallel using only one encoder, one driver, and one controller.
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Linear Servo Motor in Harsh Environments

This video highlights the Linear Servo Motor's ability to be used in harsh environments as a result of its non-critical air gap. Here, iron filings are attracted to the shaft, but do not impede the motor's ability to run at ...
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Single Linear Servo with Four Forcers

This video shows the S160D Linear Servo Motor with four forcers. As you can see, four different movements can be achieved with one shaft because each forcer can be controlled and driven by its own electronics.
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Linear Servo Motor (S080D-200)

This video shows a multi-drive system that uses one Linear Servo Motor (S080D-200) with two forcers. Each forcer performs its own movements. In this video, the two forcers move toward each other, grab a sample tube and shift it to ...
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Two PFL35-48P4-120 LINEARSTEP®

Two PFL35-48P4-120 LINEARSTEP® motors are used to demonstrate a sample X-Y system setup.
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