Customization Worksheets
Editable Worksheets for Designing Custom Products
If you are unsure which Nippon Pulse product will best fit your application, or if you would like to learn more about the products, our editable worksheets can help you:
- Determine which product will suit your needs best - The more information about your application you can supply, the quicker we can get to the best solution that meets your needs. The editable worksheets indicate the kind of details that help us solve your application requirements.
- Design custom Nippon Pulse motors - When the standard motor just needs a few tweaks – or a major modification, let us know what you need. Our flexibility in design and history of customizations, offer a portfolio of options that will provide you the right fit for your application.
These worksheets will simplify and expedite the process of customizing motors.
Need help quickly? Give us a call at (540) 633-1677.

Select and Customize the Worksheet that Works Best for You
Submit completed forms to Nippon Pulse applications engineers to review and respond to.
Email: [email protected]
or Fax: (540) 633-1674