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Controller chips offer a variety of origin return sequences to meet application requirements

Origin return (or built-in homing) allows the controller to move the motor back to its initial, or starting, position. Every Nippon Pulse controller chip, in each of the four series, has multiple origin return sequences available, though the specific types of return modes available are dependent on the model.

For example, our PCL6000 series – which is comprised of our most advanced controller chips, available in 2 and 4 axes models – has 13 types of diversified origin return sequences, with our four-axis chips offering homing at up/down counter zero (automatic zero return), allowing a single command to complete the operation, even as the chip continues to output pulses until the counter value is zero.

Meanwhile, our PCD2112 chip and the PCL6100 series chips have four patterns of homing sequences, and the basic stepper controller chips in the PCD46x1A series offers two variations for its origin return.

When programming our control chips for an origin return sequence, the programming code is ORG. The ORG sequence can be used at various operation speeds, and can be used with ramping down process signals (SD), end-limit signals (EL), and encoder Z-phase signals.

More specific information regarding the specific homing sequences available for each chip series, and notes for programming them, are available in our user manuals, which can be found at

For further assistance in programming or selecting the right controller for your application, contact our applications engineers at 1-540-633-1677 or via email at [email protected].

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