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SCR Nanopositioning Linear Stage Series is High-Precision, High-Speed

Mar 09, 2011

The Nippon Pulse SCR Nanopositioning linear stage series a high-precision, high-speed linear stage, that offers the accuracy of piezo stages, while maintaining the speed and performance of servo stages. Featuring the Nippon Pulse Linear Shaft Motor, the SCR stage series produces extremely accurate results with no loss in stability, regardless of the complexity of the motion profile.

You can choose between one of four sizes in this product family, all of which provide design flexibility in high-precision applications.

The SCR050 is a compact solution for small-scale, high-precision movement. With a built-in optical encoder, it features nanometer resolution. Built into the stage's stationary base are the encoder and motor cables, eliminating repeated wire flex and maximizing the life of the wires.

The SCR075 uses a standard S080Q Linear Shaft Motor and features an encoder and cross roller bearings. Like the other stages in this family, the SCR075 has a variety of advantages in applications requiring high performance and accuracy.

With stroke lengths between 50 and 300 millimeters, the SCR100 offers you a variety of stroke lengths with a minimal footprint.

Users can bolt all of the SCR stages to another SCR stage to create a very stiff, compact XY stage without the need for an adaptor plate. Nippon Pulse can mount the stages together to ensure flatness and orthogonality.

Nippon Pulse's Linear Shaft Motor is the first linear motor design and constructed from the ground-up with the ultra high-precision market in mind. Because it generates less heat than similar linear motors, provides stiffness up to 100 times greater than competing motors, has no cogging issues, uses all magnetic flux, and produces no Eddy currents, the Linear Shaft Motor is capable of achieving sub micron resolutions.

Nippon Pulse America, a fully-owned American subsidiary of Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd of Tokyo, Japan. Nippon Pulse offers various controllers (boards and chips), drivers (boards and chips), and motors (tin-can, hybrid and linear servo) to cover almost any motion application. For more information on the SCR Nanopositioning linear stage or other Nippon Pulse products, please visit or call 1-540-633-1677.

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