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New CAD models of Nippon Pulse stepper motors available for download

Jun 20, 2016

RADFORD, Va. - Nippon Pulse is pleased to announce that more than 10 new CAD models for the company's tin-can and hybrid stepper motors are now available for download. These new models will make it easier for manufacturers to determine which motor will best fit their application.

PartSolutions created the new 2D and 3D CAD drawings and models for Nippon Pulse's steppers. The newly available models include the PJPL lead-screw linear hybrid steppers, the PJPLT ball-screw linear hybrid steppers, the PJP rotary hybrid steppers, and several of Nippon Pulse's smaller-sized rotary tin-can steppers, including the miniscule 10mm PFC10 stepper.

The new models - as well as all available drawings for Nippon Pulse's other products, including linear servo motors, linear stages, tin-can linear steppers, and larger sizes of the rotary tin-can steppers - can be found on Nippon Pulse's website and in the PartSolutions catalog. Nippon Pulse also has application engineers standing by to provide assistance in selecting the motor that meets required sizing and power specifications.

About the Company: Nippon Pulse America Inc. is an American subsidiary of Tokyo-based Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. Nippon Pulse is a global manufacturer and Tier 1 supplier of precision motion control products, including industry-leading stepper motors, the innovative Linear Shaft Motor, controllers and drivers. For more information about Nippon Pulse's quality products, visit or call 1-540-633-1677.

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