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Linear Stepper Motor is a Cost Efficient Linear Actuator

Jun 07, 2011

Providing engineers with the ability to design a linear motion system at a low cost and with simplicity, Nippon Pulse offers its PFL35T LINEARSTEP® tin-can type linear actuator. Nippon Pulse's LINEARSTEP series offers direct linear motion without the need of any mechanical transformers, allowing users the ability to design a simple system at a low cost.

The PFL35T features an outer diameter of 35mm and features neodymium magnets, which allow for a high driving force. Because of its sturdy design and construction and its ball bearing support, the PFL35T is durable and has a long life cycle.

The PFL35T is available with three lead screw pitches (0.48mm, 0.96mm, and 1.2mm), both bipolar and unipolar windings, a force rating up to 39.5N (at 200pps), rated voltages of 5V and 12V, and 48 steps per revolution.

Applications for the PFL35T include microtiting tables, XY stages, liquid dispensing devices, medical pumps, semiconductor wafer handling machines, and data storage recorders.

Nippon Pulse America, a fully-owned American subsidiary of Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan. Nippon Pulse offers various controllers (boards and chips), drivers (boards and chips), and motors (tin-can, hybrid, and linear servo) that cover a wide range of motion control applications. For more information on the PFL35T linear stepper motor or other Nippon Pulse products, please visit or call 1-540-633-1677.

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