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New SX series Linear Shaft Motors boast greater power in mid-size package

Aug 10, 2023

RADFORD, Va. -- Nippon Pulse is pleased to introduce a new series of motors to its extensive line of Linear Shaft Motor servomotors. The SX series features high-energy magnets for greater force in mid-range sizes, to supplement the existing sizes of the standard S-series motors.

The SX series motors are available in 6, 8 and 10mm shaft diameters. Each size has three standard windings options, as well as the possibility to designate low-voltage windings. The motors can achieve stroke lengths between 50 and 300mm, and analog hall sensors can be added to eliminate the need for external feedback devices.

The SX series is capable of greater flux due to the larger compressed magnets in the motor shaft. This allows for more continuous force in a smaller package.

Linear Shaft Motors are ultra-precise, compact and efficient linear servomotors that provide smooth, contactless motion for maintenance-free operation.

Nippon Pulse has the largest selection of linear motor products available, with more than 10,000 standard configurations. If you can't find one that meets your specifications, we would love to work with you on a custom design.

For more information on the SX series motors or any of our other Linear Shaft Motors, contact [email protected] or call 540-633-1677 to speak to our applications engineers. You can also find datasheets and CAD files when you select a motor on our Linear Shaft Motors specifications page.

About the Company: Nippon Pulse America Inc. is an American subsidiary of Tokyo-based Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. Nippon Pulse is a global manufacturer and Tier 1 supplier of precision motion control products for original equipment manufacturers. We provide a wide array of motion control solutions to meet your needs, including industry-leading stepper motors, the innovative Linear Shaft Motor, controllers and drivers. For more information about Nippon Pulse's quality products, visit or call 1-540-633-1677.

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