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Motor customization and custom motor manufacturing

Motor applications may require modifications to off-the-shelf products. In addition to fully custom motor designs, we offer modifications on our standard tin-cansynchronous, and linear stepper motors.

  • We offer fully custom motor designs.
  • We offer modifications on our standard series motors.

See our customization options.

We also offer customizations and fully custom Linear Shaft Motors to meet your application requirements.

Any of our standard series motors can be customized to meet the unique needs of your application.

Custom PCB Design

We can custom-design a motion control PCBA for your unique application, utilizing Commander core (CMD-4CR) and stepper/servo/BLDC/voicecoil drivers for multi-axis movement. Streamline your application, reduce cabling and cost, and ramp up production! Manufactured to your specifications. Contact us for more information.


We offer prototyping services to your specifications as fast as 24-hour turnaround. our model shops in Radford, Va. and in Japan offer high-quality prototypes and our applications engineers can help you optimize your design.

Explore our prototyping services.

Contact Nippon Pulse today

For more information on product customization, fully custom motors, or prototyping services, call (540) 633-1677 or contact us.

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